【同义词辨析】 2019-03-01 贪婪covetous-avaricious

covetous: implies inordinate desire, often for what is rightfully another’s: ~ of his brother’s success.  inordinate过度,指超过界限exceeding the limit, 如an inordinate portion of their budget goes to entertainment他们的预算过多开销到娱乐上)    (rightful理应correct, right or legal,如their rightful place in Europe他们在欧洲的应有地位)

greedy: stresses lack or restraint and often of discrimination in desire: soldiers ~ for glory.

acquisitive: implies both eagerness to possess and ability to acquire and keep: mansions that were the pride of the ~ class.

grasping: adds an implication of eagerness and selfishness and often suggests use of unfair or ruthless means: ~ developers defrauded the homesteaders. ruthless不同情的,来自ruth因心变软而同情sympathy or compassion resulting from a softening heart,如an old man ignorant of the healing effects of ruth那个老人不懂得同情的治疗作用。这个词还是很好的女子名叫露丝,如菊与刀的作者Ruth Benedict是研究东方文化的学者)   homesteader承领(美国或英国政府给予)移民开垦公地的人

avaricious: implies obsessive acquisitiveness especially of hoardable wealth and strongly suggests stinginess: ~ thrift that left them morally bankrupt.  obsessive痴迷的、强迫症not able to stop doing something,如Williams is obsessive about motor racing威廉斯对赛车到了痴迷的程度,如the Ministry is being obsessively secretive about the issue该部对这个问题讳莫如深)  (thrift本是褒义词辛俭经营implies good management, industry and simple life, 如they were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise
他们勤俭节约积极进取,理应受到赞扬) stingy吝啬:不慷慨lack of generosity,如a stingy child一个吝啬的小孩)  (hoard秘密的储存聚藏to store or save something secretly, 如they've begun to hoard food and gasoline and save their money他们已经存钱并开始贮藏食物和汽油)

covetous觊觎的: 指过度希望得到理应属于他人的,greedy贪心的: 强调不加克制的欲望,acquisitive渴望占有: 既表示渴望得到,又表示能获得占有,grasping一味攫取、急忙抓住: 形容贪婪自私不公无情的样子,avaricious贪婪成性: 指痴迷储藏财富,并暗示吝啬

记忆方法: 1)首字母CGAGA想成2G2AC光爱财<==贪婪

         2)贪婪的意思是渴望物质财富mean having or showing a strong desire for possessions and especially material possessions.